Jumat, 24 April 2009

Stories about Knowing

In 1959, at William Dawes Elementary School in Lexington, Massachusetts, a time capsule containing the students' drawings of their ideas of the future is buried and set to be ceremoniously opened 50 years later. A girl named Lucinda Embry contributes a page full of seemingly random digits. That night, Lucinda is found in a school closet, where her fingers are bloodied and she complains about hearing voices.

In 2009, the time capsule is opened and the drawings are given to the current students. A boy named Caleb receives Lucinda's envelope. His father John Koestler, a widower and professor of astrophysics at MIT takes notice in the paper, and he soon realizes that part of these digits form dates and death tolls of every major disaster over the past fifty years, and suggests three disasters yet to come. Meanwhile, Caleb begins receiving visits from mysterious figures in overcoats (listed in the credits as "The Strangers"), and during his encounters he hears their overlapping telepathic whispers.

John witnesses a commercial plane crash on the date the paper next predicted a disaster would occur, and he discovers that the unexplained digits on the paper are in fact the geographic coordinates of the events. Speaking with Lucinda's former teacher, John learns of Lucinda's closet episode, and also that she had since died after an overdose. He then meets Lucinda's daughter, Diana Wayland, but is rebuffed once he mentions Lucinda's paper. However, after John uses the numbers to correctly predict another disaster—a Manhattan subway train derailment which John tries and fails to prevent—Diana seeks out John, and together they go to investigate Lucinda's old remote mobile home. Having noticed that the last date on the paper is not accompanied by coordiantes, further clues in Lucinda's home lead John and Diana to realize that the '33' listed as the death toll for the final disaster is actually 'EE' reversed, which Lucinda meant to represent 'Everyone Else'. In the woods outside the home, John confronts one of The Strangers, who disappears in a flash of light. It is revealed that Diana's daughter Abby can hear The Strangers' eerie whispers as well.

John and a fellow professor forecast that a massive solar flare will soon reach Earth, and the final disaster on Lucinda's paper will indeed be global in scale. John then examines the door of the closet in which Lucinda was found, and discovers it is where she had scratched another set of coordinates. They represent the location of Lucinda's old mobile home, and John figures that it is somehow a refuge from the impending disaster. Diana insists they seek shelter in underground caves instead, and she takes Abby and Caleb, without John's knowledge, to go there. As panic erupts after news of the flare is made public, The Strangers drive off in Diana's car with Caleb and Abby still inside. Diana gives chase in another vehicle, and is killed when she is broadsided by a truck.

At Lucinda's mobile home, John finds the children with the four Strangers as a glowing vessel descends from the sky. The Strangers dispossess themselves of their human appearance, revealing themselves to be glowing, translucent figures surrounded by wisps of light. The Strangers invite only those who can hear their whispers to leave Earth with them. John convinces an initially reluctant Caleb to go with The Strangers, and the vessel departs with the two children. From the vantage point of space, other ships are seen taking off from all around Earth. John travels to Boston to be with his sister and parents. While he had distanced himself from religion following his wife's death, John reconciles with his previously estranged father, a Christian minister. John and his family embrace as the solar flare strikes Earth and incinerates all life on the planet. Elsewhere, Caleb and Abby are dropped off in an otherworldly field, as other ships are visible along the horizon, dropping off others. The film ends as the two make their way towards a prominent solitary tree in the distance.

America's Next Top Model

The hit reality series AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL features Tyra Banks and gives real people an opportunity to prove that they can make it in the high-stress, high-stakes world of supermodeling. The series follows a group of young women of various backgrounds, shapes and sizes, who live together and vie for a modeling contract.

The reality series exposes the transformation of everyday young women into potentially fierce supermodels, as they face weekly tests that determine who can make the cut. With mentoring by supermodel Tyra Banks and exposure to high-profile fashion-industry gurus, the finalists compete in a highly accelerated modeling boot camp, a crash course to supermodel fame.

Participants are asked to demonstrate both inner and outer beauty as they learn to master complicated catwalks, intense physical fitness, fashion photo shoots and perfect publicity skills, all under 24-hour-a-day surveillance of the AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL cameras that chronicle every move.

Banks leads the panel of judges for cycle 12 of AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL, which includes supermodel Paula Porizkova, runway expert J. Alexander and photographer Nigel Barker, who will conduct regular evaluations to narrow the field from week to week. Jay Manuel returns as the creative director and producer of all photo shoots. In addition, special guest judges will appear to critique within his or her area of expertise.

AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL is produced by 10 by 10 Entertainment, in association with Bankable Productions. Tyra Banks is the creator and executive producer along with Ken Mok ("Making the Band") and Daniel Soiseth ("Hell's Kitchen").

Menulis dengan baik

Tidak tau kenapa menulis kata atau kalimat yang di campurkan dengan huruf besar kecil atau dicampurkan dengan angka itu menurut beberapa orang kreatif. Jika kalian ingin mencoba untuk berkarya dengan tulisan-tulisan atau karakter-karakter tersebut jangan dituangkan kepada tulisan yang mungkin dapat menyebabkan orang susah untuk membacanya dan tidak sampai kepada orangnya untuk membaca jika anda menulis kedalam surat melainkan sms, karena sulit untuk membacanya. Dan sebaiknya menulislah dengan bahasa sehari-hari saja. Bahasa sehari-hari yang bersifat nonformal memang lebih ganpang untuk ditulis dan sebagian orang memahaminya.

Buat apa menambahkan titik di depan huruf? Buat apa memberi jarak antar titik-titik? Buat apa menulis dicampur dengan angka?

Menyalahi aturan dalam menulis itu tidak apa-apa karena mungkin orang berpikir untuk lebih berkreatif, namun apa bila hal itu di lakukan secara utuh pada tulisan dapat menyebabkan orang tidak dapat membaca melainkan tidak mengerti apa yang di tulis.

Contoh kata-kata yang diperumit atau kata-kata yang mengalami penyederhanaan yang berlebihan sehingga sulit dimengerti:

kamu: kamuh,kammo,kamoh,kamuwh,k

aku : akyu,aq,akko,akkoh,aquwh,etc
maaf: mu’uph,muphs,maav,etc
sorry: cowyie,cory,tory(?),etc
add : ett,etths,aad,edd,etc
for : vo,fur(zz),pols,etc
lagi : agi,agy
makan: mums,mu’umhs,etc
lucu : ludchu,lutchuw,uchul,luthu,etc
siapa: cppa,cp,ciuppu,siappva,etc
apa : uppu,apva,aps,etc
narsis: narciezt,narciest,etc

Maaf kalau terkesan kasar, tetapi ini untuk kepentingan kita bersama.

High Waisted Return

Oke, dunia fashion pasti emang terus berputar. Kaya sekarang, high weisted yang dulu ngetren abis di era 80-an sekarang muncul lagi, dan hampir semua orang di kalangan remaja pasti pake high weisted karena itu udah termasuk tren masa kini, walaupun ada yang ngga juga si... Coba aja kamu pergi ke mall-mall terkenal kaya pim, sency, dan lain-lain deh, pasti banyak banget anak remaja cewe yang pake itu, bukan hanya remaja anak kecil pun pake mungkin sampai yang sudah tau kali ya :) .

Pake high waisted malah ngga bikin kamu kaya orang jadul dan kaya lebih tua kok. Malah kamu jadi keliatan lebih lucu dan keren (tapi itu menurutku), namun banyak juga orang yang ngomong gitu, jadi ya tenang-tenang aja hahaha. Coba aja kamu pake high waisted rok/rok jins, hot pant, celana panjang pokonya apa aja yang berbau high weisted, malah kamu pasti akan lebih imut.

Jadi untuk kalian yang pengen nyoba pake high waisted jangan segan-segan ya. Karena itutu keren hehehhehe

Sabtu, 18 April 2009

Teman, Kawan, Sahabat

Manusia adalah makhluk yang dinamis! Dan inilah alasan mengapa manusia akan selalu berubah dan memang harus berubah sepanjang hidupnya. ATURAN dibuat untuk ditaati, tapi BUKAN HANYA untuk ditaati. Kadangkala pemberontakan bukanlah sebuah kesalahan.

Emang sedikit ga nyambung, awalnya berubah dan sekarang aku mau ngomongin tentang teman. Oke, kalian tau gak? dalam sehari kita bisa mendapatkan teman berapa orang? haha, aku sendiri juga ga tau. Oke maka dari itu, kalian pasti mau punya teman banyak, orang2 yang paling bisa ngertiin kalian. Tapi ada juga orang yang menganggap barang kesayangan dia adalah teman yang paling bisa ngertiin dia. Bisa juga si kalo gitu, tapi.......... Ga tau deh ya hehe. Sebenernya cari teman tuh gampang loh, asalkan kalian bisa beradaptasi dengan meraka. Bukan hanya sekedar menjadikan dia sebegai teman curhat kalian aja, tapi kalian juga mesti menghargai teman2 kalian, berilah mereka sesuatu yang terbaik dari kalian. Agar mereka percaya kalian lah teman yang terbaik. Bukan hanya itu, jangan sekali2 kalian menghianti teman kalian kalo mereka tau, pasti rasanya sakit banget deh. Banyak orang bilang, " mencari teman lebih susah dari pada mencari musuh." emang iya si, karena kita juga yang salah, tetapi jika kita mengakui akan kesalahan kita Insyaallah di maaf kan ko. Dan bagi kalian semua perbanyaklah mancari teman, karena tanpa teman pasti hidup akan membosankan :) :D :P

Jumat, 17 April 2009


Halo aku Arsya, aku sekolah di Tunas Indonesia. Kalo mau liat temen2 ku liat aja foto yang ada di sebelah, hehehhe. itu guru ku namanya Mrs.Naomi, abis itu aku, dan temen2 ku yang lain ada yang namanya, tunggu... mulai dari perempuan dulu ya, ada yang namanya Brigitta, Safira, Thalia, Tracy, dan laki2nya adalah Raka, Andika, Daris, Rasheed, Zach, Joshua. hehehhe SALAM KENAL YA